I’ve been diving deeper into the world (aka black hole of information) of essential oils and I’m more and more astounded at how they can positively impact my mental and physical health and that of my family members. Momma sets the tone for the home, so if I’m taking care of myself in what I put in and on my body and even more importantly what I put in my mind and spirit, the whole family is going to benefit from it.
Self-care for me means: staying connected to Jesus, healthy food, lots of water (to balance the coffee, haha), vitamins, getting out in nature and lots and lots of oils. With so many oils I seemed to be constantly reorganizing and having to look up information about oils I already have because I would simply forget why I bought some of them!
I was over the moon when I saw that Plant Therapy had developed a journal for just that purpose. I’m absolutely GAGA over my new Plant Therapy EO Organizer and Journal! Just LOOK at it! I’ve got pages of print-outs, screen shots, random notes and recipes that I can now organize in ONE place. The strong Type 1 (Enneagram shout-out) perfectionist in me is having a PAR-TAY.
So this morning I threw together a delicious smelling Facial Sugar Scrub. You could make a bigger batch of this, but I literally put everything in the palm of my hand, mixed it there and then rubbed it on my face, so you can do this in seconds and enjoy a little luxury right in your bathroom. Here’s what you need:
1 tsp of raw sugar
1-ish tsp of carrier oil (I used fractionated coconut oil, but sometimes use argan oil or grapeseed)
2 drops Lavender EO
1 drop Geranium EO
1 drop Frankincense EO
Rub it on in upward circular motions, gently, you don’t want it to hurt! Rinse, pat dry and allow the remaining oil to absorb into your skin. Of course, this can be adapted with oils that suit your skin’s unique needs then write your recipe down in your new EO journal, so you don’t forget what you did (don’t look at me, I never do that).
With fullness of joy,
Click any of the photos in this post and we’ll both get $10 off $10+ purchase at www.planttherapy.com
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