Austin moms are the most conscientious shoppers I have ever met. We care about what goes in and on our family’s bodies and we also realize our dollars have purchasing power- bringing attention to the causes we are passionate about. That’s why I was excited when local mom, Jen Boersma, called to tell me about Bee-Causes, a 5 free (free of formaldehyde & other chemicals) nail polish line with a philanthropic purpose. Since our first call I’ve been exploring their website, not only oohing and aahing over the extensive color choices, but also reading their background story which I wanted you to read first hand. Bee-Causes was started by Jen’s BFF, Lauren Solorzano, with her mom and sister, a pediatric cancer survivor. Their personal experience “sowed the seeds for Bee-Causes”. Read on to meet these amazing mommas and learn how Bee-Causes can be a part of your next fundraising campaign for the causes you’re passionate about! (Also, see our Deals & Coupons page or read to the bottom for an exclusive code for South Austin Moms readers)
Where are you from originally, mommas?
We both grew-up on Long Island in New York. After going to high school together, we both
ended up in Florida for college. Jen moved back to New York for Nursing school, and a few
years after getting married, moved back down south. She and her family moved to San Marcos,
TX this past August. Lauren remained in Florida after getting married in 2013. Although born
and raised in New York, we have both truly become Southerners at heart!
You both have your quivers full of little ones. Tell us about your kiddos.
It’s been an exciting few years as we have watched both of families grow. In just this past year
alone, we added 3 children between the two of us!Jen has 5 children – Kathryn is 6, Gerald is 4,
Theodore is 2 ½, and Timothy & Titus (identical twins) are 6 months! Lauren has 3 children-
Kolbe is 5, Kilian is 3, and Helen is almost 1!
One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
We were on the rowing team in high school. It was really fun and really intense. Although we
probably complained about it A LOT, we loved it! Also- we married college buddies and
roommates- Jen and John will forever credit themselves with introducing Lauren and Michael!
Most of us have someone to thank for introducing us to our spouse, right? How sweet that it is your best friends! What is your favorite thing about living in southern states?
Both of us have loved the South for the opportunities it provides for us to raise our families, the
exciting adventures that are always nearby, and the friends that we have been able to stay in
contact with. Jen and her family have loved how San Marcos and Austin provide a ton of outdoor
adventures, as well as cultural experiences for a family to enjoy. There are so many fun, little
small towns to go and explore which we have loved taking advantage of in our short time here.
Lauren and her family live outside of Naples, FL in a new small town called Ave Maria. A true
Floridian at heart, she loves going to the beach and enjoying the Florida sunshine!
What do you love to do with your family around town?
Both of our families love to explore the local sites and sounds that our areas have to offer. Jen’s
family frequented the river in San Marcos this summer for tubing, and they love the local music
scene that can easily be stumbled upon throughout Austin and the surrounding areas.
Lauren and her clan also enjoy the water activities that Floridan life offers them. They love going
to the Naples Zoo and Botanical Gardens and attending the farmers markets and festivals held in
the center of town throughout the winter.
Alright, now for the big questions! How did Bee-Causes come to be? What makes it unique among the myriad in the nail polish industry?
Bee-Causes is a unique company in that is focuses on providing high quality products that give
back to charity with every purchase. Lauren and her family had first-hand experience with
childhood cancer, and set-up the Honeysuckle Foundation in an effort to support families that are
going through the trying time that it can cause for a family. Out of this foundation, the idea for
Bee-Causes sprung. Entrepreneurs at heart, Lauren, her sister Alicia, and their mom, Rene, all
founded the nail enamel line which became Bee-Causes. These ladies take their fashion
seriously, and their nails are no different. Jen always comments that it is so awesome to see
Lauren involved in the nail polish industry because most mornings when she would arrive to
school when they were teenagers Lauren would either be painting her nails with a fresh coat, or
have some wild colors on that she was excited to share and show-off! Jen has been excited to
“Bee-come” part of their team as a sales representative and marketing advisor.
What I love is the philanthropic aspect of Bee-Causes! Tell us about that…
Bee-Causes was a company started from the heart. This family of entrepreneurs wanted to have
a lucrative business that would also be doing good for causes that were close to their hearts. Not
only does Bee-Causes donate a portion of every sale to childhood cancer and Parkinson’s
charities, they also offer another extremely unique option for their customers. Any company,
store, school group, etc. can name and choose their own colors and run a fundraiser with the Bee-
Causes line for the charity or cause of their choice! Bee-Causes goal is to transform the personal
care product industry so that while you are taking care of yourself, you are also taking care of
Are you involved in anything else within the community?
Lauren is active with the Honeysuckle Foundation and American Heritage Girls, and sometimes
is lucky enough to volunteer at Habitat for Humanity where her husband works. Jen is active
with Regina Caeli Academy, a hybrid-homeschool academy that meets in Buda, TX. Both
women are active in their local churches and children’s activities!
How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?
As a new and budding company, we are so grateful for the warm reception we have received
from the communities we have reached out to, both local and online! The excitement with which
Bee-Causes has been met over the past few months is incredibly encouraging and we value the
support that our customers, promoters, and fans give to us on a daily basis.
As a special incentive to do some meaningful gift giving, Bee-Causes is offering free shipping to any of our readers who spend $50 and use the code localmoms!