I think most would agree that we’d love for our bedrooms to be a place we can retreat from it all at the end of the day and feel like we’ve entered our own little sanctuary. A place we can rest and just be. But all too often my bedroom becomes the go-to dump spot, somehow, for the whole family! There’s a frilly headband and homemade geodes among other things taking up space on my nightstand right now, and earlier there was football equipment, mail and packages occupying the bed. You don’t need a full list of all the things piled high on all the flat surfaces in my bedroom right now, but it currently doesn’t feel like the sanctuary I desire it to be (I’m giving us grace because…well…life, and we just moved a month ago and the tiling isn’t quite done. Some things just don’t have a place yet!).
Anyway, it has been awhile since I’ve written a post on cleaning a Focus Area (check out the living room and kitchen areas) and it’s about time I start tackling what I can of this bedroom before a year passes and I’m still saying “I just moved.” So here we go!
-Get the kids to come get all their stuff out of my room and DONE! J/K
-Clear the night stands and flat surfaces and return items to their proper homes (if it doesn’t have one, I’ll make one or decide to toss or donate)
-Hang clothes or put them in the hamper (here are some helpful hints to keeping the laundry under control)
-Dust the windowsill, fan, lamps and flat surfaces
-Clean wall mirror and windows
-Strip the bed to wash sheets, quilt and pillow shams, wash, dry and return them to the bed
-Put all books I’m not currently reading away
-Sweep (or vacuum) and mop
-Add something pretty like fresh flowers
-Enjoy your little sanctuary with coffee or tea in bed! If you’ve got little ones, invite them into the bed with you to read a book so you can stay a little longer .
Ladies, it is such a joy to serve you through writing. If I could, I would serve each of you coffee in bed with a scone and a good book because you’re amazing and rocking in! Go ahead and tell yourself, “______, you are rocking it.”
With fullness of joy,