Announcing: GREATER AUSTIN MOMS! - Greater Austin Moms

Drumroll please…we have officially rebranded to GREATER AUSTIN MOMS!

all images by Jessica Martin Photography

Here’s a quick intro for those that are new here!

I’m Alison, mom to 2 of the sweetest, silliest, wildest babes on the block, Ella (4) and Henry (almost 2). My husband and I live in South Austin and we LOVE to go out on “adventures” (as my kids call it) to discover the best places to play, eat, hang out, and enjoy time together as a family. I love to try new recipes, to travel and to be active! I’m also an avid reader and crafter. My friends refer to be as “the connector”. I love to connect and bring people together and to shout out some of the best small businesses Austin has to offer. This city is so kid friendly and I’m just here to make your day a little easier with your kids. If you see us out and around town, please come say hi! We love to make new friends. 

Hey everyone! You might have noticed something is different around here! I have officially rebranded into Greater Austin Moms! Let me explain a little more behind that decision…


As a mom, I was always finding myself looking for things to do with my kids around Austin. Anything to make it to naop time, am I right? Well, as my kids have gotten older, I have started to explore so many wonderful places all over the city. While we still live on the south side of town, I am finding that this city isn’t as big as it once felt to me as a new mom. There are so many parks, playgrounds, kid friendly restaurants and spaces all over the place. I found that I was closing myself off to these places because they were “north of the river” or “I’m not crossing the river!” Jokes on me because I have some really cool spots to tell you about.

But Alison, What should I expect in this space?

Well, nothing is going to change as far as content goes. I will still be putting out the same great content as always and exposing you to so many new places and spaces for families and mamas alike, only now, there will be spots not just in South Austin but all over town. From Parmer, to Westlake, to the east side all the way down to Buda. 

You will still see an updated calendar, helpful resource guides and thought provoking blogs about so many great small, local companies. The resource page will be getting updated with so many more suggestions so keep checking back for changes. 

I just wanted to thank you so much for trusting me to help you in any way I can whether that be small or large. From helping you figure out whats going on around town to helping connect you with your child’s next party location and everything in between!

Thank you so much for being here and for allowing me to be a part of your parenting journey! Cheers to raising kind humans y’all and living in the best city in Texas!

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