A Trio to Beat the Mom Brain Fog - Greater Austin Moms

Some days (well most, if I’m being honest) the battle is uphill against the foggy Mom-brain, right? There’s so much to get done in a day that I feel like I’m being pulled in a hundred directions and it seems impossible to accomplish anything… be it folding laundry, updating the calendar or scheduling much needed dentist appointments… it all gets lost in the fog!


Enter this week’s Friday Fave, a trio of essential oils I’ve found help clear the fog, calm anxiety, and help me stay focused and upbeat when facing the never ending to-dos.


Clary Sage is my go-to for balancing my mood, especially during that time of the month! This one has a complex scent that is altogether floral, earthy, fruity and nutty. It can be too strong unless used very conservatively and blended with other oils like these other two.


Bergamot is both citrusy and subtly floral, and helps ease worries and sadness when the blues or grief hits. Its also great for breakouts and easing muscle tension when used in a massage oil! Yes, please!


May Chang, I’ve decided is the happiest scent on earth. It is bright and citrusy… so much so, that my daughter likes to call this one “Joyful” in her bath bomb recipes. This one is NOT kid safe, so you’ll want to use it in your room or bathroom away from your littles.


And hey, guess what? It is okay to let the list of to-dos be unfinished at the end of the day. It is more than okay to turn off the light and rest, so that you can be fully present with your babies. I’ve found these oils to aid me in doing just that on the days when I feel most stressed and I hope you will too.


Use any of the links above to get $10 off a $25 purchase at Plant Therapy! While you’re there, read the “About” page to find out why I love PT oils so much. I am not a PT affiliate and this is not a sponsored post.  

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